Services - IMOBIT sp. z o.o.

Softwaring industry and science
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Softwaring industry and science
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Integration and optimization in industry
We integrate manufacturing systems and optimize industrial processes, designing and supplying customized IT solutions compatible with the hardware (machines, industrial automation and electronics) and various ERP/MRP systems (IFS, SAP etc.).

Our solutions ensure:
  • central management,
  • easy extension scalability,
  • cost optimization,
  • loss reduction,
  • complaint protection,
  • multi-level manufacturing process control,
  • supervision of human and equipment resources.
Dedicated software
We specialize in developing software matching individual needs of our customers.

We ensure comprehensive services, starting from the analysis and evaluation, through software, implementation and user training, and ending with the warranty service and finished product extension.

Every order is treated individually. The performance method, technology and methodology employed are adapted to the customer's needs and requirements.
Innovation and cooperation with research units
A research project? Scientific research? Publication? Or perhaps implementation of an innovative solution? We can help wherever science meets IT and technology.

The long-term cooperation of our team with various universities, academic achievements and favourable credentials confirm we can approach problems in a more universal, but also systematic and tidy-minded way.

We browse through knowledge bases, recognize rules, find solutions, create prototypes or even write publications, meaning we help at every stage of your research work.
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