Dedicated software
We specialize in developing software matching the needs of our customers. Every order is treated individually. The implementation, technology and methods employed are adapted to the customer's needs and requirements.
"Quality, not quantity"
Our path to success is long-term cooperation and credentials, and not the quantity of orders obtained.
Our advantages
Our software operates
in demanding conditions
We offer warranty
and instant service repairs
for our products
We gathered immense
experience and only
satisfied customers

People are the most important
for us which makes our team our
greatest advantage
Cooperation step by step
1. Requirement gathering
We specify functionalities and business advantages which our customer wants to achieve via the ordered software
2. Analysis
We learn the area and context of the project, we do not work in the dark
3. Evaluation
We choose the performance method, select technologies and tools, specify the scope, as well as the anticipated time and cost of the project
4. Performance
We prefer the iterative approach, ongoing contacts with the customer and supplying semi-finished products in the course of execution
5. Implementation
We start up and set up the completed product in the target infrastructure of the customer, handing it over in a turnkey condition
6. Documentation
Depending on the needs, we provide user, technical and job documentation etc.
7. Training
We opt for friendly training, adapted to the participants. We know that stage is often a key to the successful implementation
8. Service
We ensure future development and service of the product. We develop applications in line with the good programming practice so servicing them is sheer pleasure
We perform projects both in the agile and in the waterfall approach, depending on the customer's needs and requirements.
However, we recommend project performance in the agile approach because of:

Interaction with the user
We would rather prefer for the customer to participate in developing consecutive project stages, as this enables to explain any doubts and provide products 100% compliant with the customer's vision

Customer satisfaction
We want to ensure customer satisfaction with the final product instead of following the initial assumptions strictly

Iterations and semi-finished products
Many customers need the software really fast which is why it is a good solution to deliver semi-finished products having more important functionalities in the course of implementation